Friday, 16 August 2019

What you need to know about MySolidCoin

Before you start wasting your time and energy as Free Member on you might want to read this post. 

As a FREE Member of and I want to Share my Experience with You so You Don't Make the Misstake I Made.

When you go to their FAQ Section you can read following terms about withdrawing your funds as a FREE Member: 

This is LIE Number One!

Free Members CAN'T WITHDRAW! I will proof it at the bottom of this post

This is LIE Number Two!

Free Members CAN'T WITHDRAW at All so There's NO Withdrawal FEE!!

Again I will proof it to you at the bottom of this post

This is LIE Number Three!

Free Members CAN'T WITHDRAW at All so There's NO Minimum Amount!!

I don't know if Upgraded Members are able to withdraw but I'm not going to upgrade to test it!

Now Here's my Proof Free Members CAN'T Withdraw At All!

I have reached (151325 Satoshi) more than the minimum amount to withdraw but when I click on the withdrawal button.... A RED Banner shows up on the top (see above picture) Saying I need to Upgrade First!

I have contacted MySolidCoin about this but you won't get any respond to your support ticket!

Well That's All I Wanted To Share with You!



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(Proof of Payments Included)